This section will be revealing family units about "skin" starting with the unit of cuti- words plus those shown in the related links that are indicated at the bottom of the unit pages.
Although seeing the word "cuti" may have you react to the topic as being "cute", don't be deceived. Some people may have cute skin, but there are several kinds of skin which may not be so pretty.
Several words may not mean skin in a direct way, but they all have either direct or indirect references to skin or flesh including the soft tissue of the body of vertebrates; mainly muscle tissue and fat.
Skin is the only thing we can occupy without paying rent.
The largest human organ is the skin, with a total surface area of about twenty-five square feet (2.3 square meters) for a large person.
All of us completely change our outer skin about every twenty-seven days. This adds up to almost 1,000 new outer skins in a lifetime.
You could wash you hands vigorously for hours and hours with soap and water, but countess bacteria would still remain. The hands, or any other part of the body for that matter, cannot be made sterile this way.
Every square inch (6.4 square centimeters) of the human body has an average of some thirty-two million bacteria on it, with a grand body total of 100 billion; which is, over twenty-two tlmes the human population on planet earth. These 100 billion bacteria could fit inside a medium-sized pea.